In this captivating episode of Mer Herosner, we delve into the intriguing origins of the Cilician Kingdom of Armenia, a pivotal chapter in Armenian history. Join Vic and Mike as they explore the ambitious beginnings of this storied realm, focusing on the visionary leader at its heart, Prince Ruben. Discover the challenges and triumphs that marked the birth of a kingdom, from its roots in the Byzantine Empire's fading glory to its emergence as a beacon of Armenian culture and power. Through expert insights and engaging storytelling, we'll uncover how Prince Ruben not only launched a kingdom but also set the stage for a vibrant era of Armenian sovereignty and influence. Don't miss this journey!
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In this captivating episode of Mer Herosner, we delve into the intriguing origins of the Cilician Kingdom of Armenia, a pivotal chapter in Armenian history. Join Vic and Mike as they explore the ambitious beginnings of this storied realm, focusing on the visionary leader at its heart, Prince Ruben. Discover the challenges and triumphs that marked the birth of a kingdom, from its roots in the Byzantine Empire's fading glory to its emergence as a beacon of Armenian culture and power. Through expert insights and engaging storytelling, we'll uncover how Prince Ruben not only launched a kingdom but also set the stage for a vibrant era of Armenian sovereignty and influence. Don't miss this journey!
Order Hayk Nahapet Sculpture:
LA Galaxy Armenian Heritage Night: Get Your tickets
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